Compare App Features


Available for Apple iPad

Available for Android Tablets

14 Languages

Voice output

Access to the full Pics for PECS image library

Upload and create custom images

Back up to and restore from a cloud service or tablet & share across devices

Dedicated Sentence Starter Page

Number of Insert Pages per Book

Up to 28 images per page, with scrolling capabilities

Max image capacity per book

Increase up to 7 Velcro strips per page

Profile customization

Add category name and icon to tabbed pages

Picture Selection options

Track learner usage

Create bilingual books

Add Universal No Overlay to images


1,000 images

No easy backup options

Up to 30 Insert Pages per Book

Each book can hold up to 840 images

Drag or Tap, Drag, Tap, or custom

PECSTalk™ Lite

(1 voice to match language)

~1,000 images

Up to 5 Insert Pages per Book, each with 3 scrollable pages

Book can hold up to 420 images

Drag or Tap only


(1 voice to match language)

~3,000 images

up to 10 Sentence Starter pages

Up to 30 Insert Pages per Book, each with 3 scrollable pages

Each book can hold up to 2,520 images

Drag or Tap, Drag, Tap, or custom